+34722 29 19 15 office@liviscare.com

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A relationship for life

support and security for the whole family

Experience independence

customised to you and your needs and wishes

A warm welcome to Livi’s Care

a family business that values quality and expertise.


Livis Care has experienced staff to care for you in your home through all stages of life. We work together to provide you with the best care, based on your wishes and needs, based on your assistance decision.

We are proud to be able to offer you high quality care

Livis Omsorg works based on a structure that we have chosen to call the Start-up Team. In practice, this means that we have two employees who process and receive new customers for Livis. One is Sofie, a social worker, and the other is Olle, a social anthropologist. When Livis Care receives a new housing support assignment, Olle or Sofie contacts the customer and books a start-up meeting that usually takes place at our office. The purpose of the start-up meeting is to plan the intervention together in order to personalise the support. During the start-up meeting, we review the order and support needs together and draw up a so-called implementation plan (how and when the support will be provided). As we attach great importance to getting the support started as quickly as possible, Olle or Sofie usually carry out the intervention initially when it comes to housing support. The client is then matched with a suitable housing support worker who continues to provide the support.

How to choose us

Personal meeting
After you have contacted us and before anything is decided, we will organise a meeting where you want to meet.

Planning and proposals
You as a customer decide how you want it and we will suggest a suitable solution.

Once you have decided, we will help you with the practicalities. If you feel that you want to make changes over time, we will of course organise it.


We are certified in quality, environment and health and safety. We work on the basis of our quality system to ensure safe and good nursing care. We work on the basis of the national core values and the local dignity guarantees. We follow municipal guidelines in health care including rehabilitation.


Our team is made up of nurses, care assistants, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, case planners and unit managers, and activity managers.

We care about your privacy

Now you might be thinking “Yes, yes, we’ve heard that before, but how do you actually do it?”.

This is a very relevant and obvious question to answer. Here’s how we think:
We do not use large Livis logos and contact details on the car we place outside your home.

We also don’t use staff as advertisers, with large logos and contact details on outer garments. *

We take into account that the law (SoL, LSS) repeatedly stipulates that “Activities shall be based on respect for people’s right to self-determination and integrity”. We believe that advertising your company does not belong in the vicinity of your home or person unless you have actively chosen to participate.

You have the right to influence who will help you.

We believe you have the right to staff continuity. Therefore, we prefer to recruit staff who intend to fulfil the mission for at least one year or more.

* Where we have garments with a company logo or name, this is discreetly placed and very small in size. In other words, the purpose is not marketing, but rather to give staff a sense of community and belonging to the company.

Our vision

Our vision is to be the better choice!

We have met too many people who are dissatisfied, feel unsafe, or overlooked by the services they use.

Of course, we want everyone who uses us to be satisfied, feel safe and respected.

Where your vote matters!

Livis Omsorg attaches great importance to close and personal contact. Our strengths are flexibility and open communication, and we meet each client according to their strengths and interests. By listening to and working with the client, we can plan the support intervention in the best possible way!

If you are looking to influence your actions, Livis Care is your best choice!

Your choice!

At Livis Care, we always endeavour to ensure that you as a customer can choose your own staff and that the same person comes to your home. With such continuity, we hope to create security and less anxiety in your daily life.

Our goal at Livis Care is that regardless of disability, you and your family members should have the opportunity to live full and fulfilling lives. We therefore design our interventions in close cooperation with our clients. When our interventions are aimed at children and young people, they are planned on the basis of their own interests and wishes, in close cooperation with parents and relatives. The aim is to facilitate everyday life and improve the quality of life by increasing participation in the community and in social settings.

We always try to tailor the interventions to you and the days and times of day that suit you best!

A path to a better life!

Whatever your disability, you should have the opportunity to live your best life. At Livis Care we have staff who are enthusiastic and passionate about this belief. We have a team that is constantly looking for creative solutions and educational tools to help you live your best life. The aim is for you to progress with the programme at your own pace and to be able to deal with life’s different situations in the best possible way. The goal is simple – to support you on your way to a better life.

Call us today at: +34722 29 19 15 or email us at: office@liviscare.com

“Therefore let life carry what it wants, and let me be strong enough to receive what it offers.”
– Astrid Lindgren

Client and supervisory authority

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